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Panda And Penguin Internet Marketing Tips

Penguin Rescue_020

Penguin Rescue_020 (Photo credit: iliveisl)

Only 1% of online marketers make money online? Even those who were making a living online were recently hit by the new Panda and Penguin algorithm. Some businesses experienced the ‘Google slap’ and were removed from their lofty first page positions to the back pages of Google and some businesses were hit so hard that their websites were completely annihilated and removed from the search engine totally.

Imagine waking up in the morning to see that your money-making website is no longer on the first page of Google. Then, checking your bank account to find that it is empty! That has been the experience of many online marketers recently. Just imagine that your website is not only no longer on the first page of Google, but upon further investigation, not listed at all.

All of the hard work and sweat that went into building a website. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), keyword research, linking program, article writing and more was all for naught, and all to have it go up in smoke in one day!

I know of a few business owners who were hit so hard that their incomes were completely wiped out. Even after months of trying to recover, they are still experiencing the wrath of the ‘Google slap.’

Hopefully, this will help the beginning marketer understand the concepts of what Google is looking for and to help the beginner start off on the right track, and perhaps prevent the above scenario in the future, the ‘Google slap.’

Following are a few tips to get you started on the right track:

  • The first thing that is very much over-looked by most marketers is the importance of building a list. We have all heard it, ‘the money is in the list.’ However, it is most often ignored. I have noticed that most people are just not interested in building a list. They want to make money and that is the bottom line.
  • However, building a list will allow you to be among the top 1% of the money-making producers online. A list allows you to make money on demand. All you have to do is send your affiliate offer or your product or service to your list and you’ll be able to make money on demand and in one day.
  • When you hear about some guru that made $14,000 in one day it is more than likely that they presented their offer to their list. This is the one secret that most marketers do not incorporate into their marketing plan. Yet, it is the key to making money at will.
  • So, if you are a beginning internet marketer, make the investment in an auto-responder service and make your main objective building your client base. In the long run you will be in a much better position than most.
  • Secondly, due to the new Panda and Penguin algorithm it is important that you write content so that the average person can read and understand it. Do not write for the search engine robots with content and/or articles filled with all of your keywords. In other words don’t over optimize your content or you will be penalized for this by Google.
  • Also, make sure that the links that you share are relevant to your site’s content. If you have a dog grooming website, don’t link to a swimming pool website. Share your links on other sites that are similar to your own.
  • You will also be rewarded for your social media links. Most everyone has Facebook. However, make sure that you include the top three social media sites which are Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus. Your sites will receive higher ranking by creating content for these sites. If you want to be on the first pages of Google this is how to get there.
  • Also, go to and set up your avatar picture and post it on all of your pages so that Google will know who you are. This also helps in the search rankings.
  • Additionally, article marketing is not dead. Just make sure that you post your articles to authority sites or hub pages and not to article directories that would be considered spam link farms. You may also post your comments on blogs that are again, related to your site content.
  • Set up Facebook fan pages or Facebook groups which will also be highly ranked in the search engines.

Hopefully this information will help the beginning internet marketer in your online endeavors and get you off to a good start and the more experienced marketer on the right track towards recovery and success if you have been ‘slapped’. Good luck and much success to you.

This article Panda and Penguin Internet Marketing Tips is brought t you by the Internetmarketingarc

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