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The Hottest Tip For The Newbie Marketer

Most marketers come online in today’s market seeking an opportunity to supplement their incomes. However, once online the main ingredient for success is often out of reach for the beginning internet marketer.

They are generally bombarded with so much information overload that they do not know where to start nor what it takes to become a successful online entrepreneur.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not such an easy task to make a living online. There are many people who have been online for many years who have not experienced the sweet taste of success.

Of course, there are those who have managed to eke out a living online, yet even for most it has not been an easy task. And, many entrepreneurs who have managed to make a living online have been hit recently by the latest Google Panda and Penguin algorithm.

The new algorithm has placed many online entrepreneurs in a position where they are now making little to no money online while many of them are desperately tring to recover and recoup their losses. They have been essentially ‘Google slapped,’ and are victims of the notorious, ‘Google Dance.’

It only stands to reason that if you have veterans…experienced online marketers clamoring for answers as to how to make a living online, what chance does the beginning online marketer have?

There are many things that a new marketer needs to know, and most of it will unfortunately be discovered through trial and error. Sadly enough, most’newbies’ think that they will be able to go online and within 30 days or so have a business that will be up and running and in profit.

However, there are two main factors that a beginning marketer should be aware of. The first being that it takes money to make money. If you were in a brick-and-mortar offline business it would require investment dollars. And quite a few more investment dollars than an online business. So, put aside funds to invest in your online business.

You can implement free marketing techniques of course, but do not depend entirely on free marketing techniques. Once you have a little to invest spend wisely and invest in tools (software) and not this HOT new program and the next. Stay focused!

The second, and the most crucial and outstanding factor a new marketer fails to realize is that growing a list of prosepective customers is key to both short-term and long-term financial online success. If a beginning marketer realizes at the start that the most important thing they could do is build their list day in and day out, they would be more successful much sooner, rather than later.

Why? Because your list is your leads and your customers that you have built a trust relationship and credibility with and in which you will be able to email anytime and make money on demand. You will be able to send a mailing to your list in the morning and have cash in hand in the evening.

Yet, most ‘newbie’ marketers skip this step altogether in the beginning because they are naive and interested in the make-money-quick scenario. However, if a new marketer would grasp these concepts early on in their internet marketing career and incorporate it into their business plan daily, they will be among the 1% of successful online entrepreneurs in the shortest amount of time.

This article The Hottest Tip For The Newbie Marketer is brought to you by Internetmarketingarc

Free Marketing Sources Update

There are some sources in my book that were not mentioned. I thought about them later as I was completing some internet marketing tasks so I thought that I would mention them here just to keep you up-to-date on the various methods that you can employ in your internet marketing campaigns.

SocialMarker is a social bookmarking tool that you can use that will post to about 17 of the top social sites that carry a high page rank. Due to the recent Panda and Penguin algorithms implemented by Google you will want to make sure that the links that you build are on hub pages and authority sites so that your efforts will be recognized for years to come. Posting to social sites is within the parameters for having your links remain relevant in the future with Google.

Keep in mind that in order for Google to maintain their integrity and to keep us honest, from time to time, they will change their algorithm. When this happens some website owners experience what is called the ‘Google Slap.’ This is when a website has been ranking on the first page of Google where they are experiencing a lot of traffic and sales and are suddenly removed (slapped) to pages 3 or 4 or higher where they will experience less traffic and fewer to no sales.

Unfortunately, I have a couple of friends and acquaintances that experienced this phenomenon recently with the new Panda and Penguin algorithm. One in particular was slapped pretty hard and is no longer earning the online income that was keeping them afloat. Since none of us want to experience this, it is imperative that you build your links on social media sites and hub pages and authority sites.

In my book mentioned above, there is a Link Directory list. The list is no longer valid as of the Penguin and Panda algorithm and I would not use those directories to build links. I will update this in the book shortly. In fact, I would recommend that you simply spend $5 on Fiverr and delegate that task to someone there. If you can’t spend $5 on your business, you should not be in business!

There was a time when I would do all of my marketing myself. I didn’t want to spend money on marketing at all and I even took pride in the fact that I refused to spend money on marketing. However, once you become accustomed to delegating your tasks or out-sourcing them, your life becomes a lot less hectic complicated. It actually allows you to breathe a sigh of relief.

It frees you up to do more important tasks. At first, I could not really comprehend the importance of out-sourcing because I truly didn’t want to spend any money, but once I tried it and found Fiverr I was hooked. For $5 you can’t beat it! And, these people at Fiverr really put out highly professional products.

Safelist Marketing is free and can be beneficial especially if you are promoting free to join opportunities. If you are really ambitious and would like to own your very own Safelist it will give you an opportunity and a platform to further advertise your products and services. Owning your own Safe-list is fairly inexpensive but it will require work on your part at the administrative level.

If you decide to do only marketing on this platform, you will need a list email address and a contact email address. I would recommend you set them up on gmail because you are going to get a ton of mail. You will also have to set up a lot of Safelist accounts in order for this type of marketing to be effective. Try to set up as many as you can. At least 50+. You can Google ‘free Safelists’ to find the ones that are available.

When I want to promote a free offer fast, I will use this type of marketing and you will get some sign-ups quickly. It is time-consuming so you will want to set up your ad in advance along with the url you are promoting. Do this in Notepad and copy and paste as you go along.

If you have a long url you can use an url shortening service like AdsPlus where you will get paid for promoting the url that you shorten. These short urls are very good for promoting on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and any of the social media sites.

Craigslist is a good place to post anything. You can post free to their classified section, post ads for cars, room-mates, motorcycles, rentals and just about anything that you can think of. I am sure with all of the media publicity about Craigslist that you are familiar with them. I used them to sell a motor-cycle and it was snatched-up within hours. Rabid buyers with cash were lining up to purchase it!

Webinars are a good way to promote your products and/or services. You can check out Webex, while GoToMeeting seems to be the one that most speakers prefer. You can sign up free for 30 days and hold a Webinar free of charge. If you are a good speaker or if your forte is making presentations you could attract a lot of attention for your product or service. You teach your audience something noteworthy during your presentation and at the end of the presentation you can command a higher price ticket item.

Google Plus is a very hot social media platform right now. As a matter of fact it is being touted by some that the hottest social media sites right now are Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. These are the 3 must have social media sites. So if you are not utilizing this service it would be in your best interest to set up your site as soon as possible.

In my book, I mentioned that Onlywire is a social bookmarking tool that you can use to post to 47 social media sites free of charge. However, after signing in to use the site I was informed that there is now a $9.95 monthly fee to join and that my username and password were no longer valid.

Therefore, I sent them an old e-mail that I had received from them dated in the year 2007 asking them to re-instate my account as a free member as I have been with them utilizing their free service for all of these years. Well, they did re-instate my free account.

However, I noticed that you are now able to submit to 300 social media sites for the $9.95  fee. That is all good, but as I mentioned in my book, you can use Fiverr and there are people who will post to 600+ social media sites for $5!

Classified Ad Sites are a good place to advertise depending on your product or service. I have had good results sometimes using classified ads and some times not so good. It just depends on what you plan on advertising . I would recommend that you look through the ads and if you see some that have been listed for a very long time then you know that they are obviously effective, or else they would not have been there over the long-haul. Notice what products or services the ad promotes and if that is akin to what you are promoting, you can place your free ad as well.

If you are unfamiliar with some of the topics covered in this article, go Google it. Become accustomed to doing your research online. It is imperative that you get in this habit from the beginning because you are going to come upon terms or concepts that you have no idea about. So, if you are wondering what I am talking about in any part of this article, again, Google it!

Keep in mind that things change very fast on the web. So, if you are truly new to online marketing, you will see many websites come and go. Change takes place so fast that whatever is happening now may or may not be valid 6 months from now.

So, if you see a company online that has been around for a year or two you can pretty much bet on that site’s relevance, for now anyway. If  I am straddling the fence about a business opportunity and I see that they have some longevity, meaning a year or two online, I might take my chances on them. However, on occasion I have based my decision on their longevity and they have still gone out of business within months of me making the decision! So, you just never know.

The last thing that I want to mention is that if you are thinking in terms of purchasing a product or service and you go to the check-out screen and then cancel out, you will be given a message not to leave the page and will be given a second opportunity to purchase the product at a discounted price. Sometimes you will be given a third or even a fourth discount if you keep trying to leave the page. So, leave the page as many times as possible so you can get the best price.

My point is simply, Do not purchase the first time. Click the purchase button as if you are going to purchase and then leave, but hit stay on page, and this usually takes you to a discounted price. Now, on rare occasions you will not get a second chance for a lower price. But in most cases you will, so never buy the first time! Okay, that’s my hot tip of the day!

This article Free Marketing Sources Update is brought to you at the InternetMarketingarc.

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